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Wojciech Fangor

Wojciech Fangor (born in 1922 in Warsaw, died in 2015 in Warsaw) studied in Felicjan Kowarski’s studio at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts, where he also taught from 1954 to 1961. He debuted in 1949 at the Young Artists and Scientists Club.

He was one of the pioneers of socialist realism in Poland and the author of the most famous works of that period. Fangor was also a co-creator of the global success of Polish poster art. He opened a new chapter in the environment art movement worldwide. His paintings contributed to the establishment of Op-Art, and he became the author of the concept of positive illusory space. In 1961, he left Poland. From 1962 to 1964, he lived in Paris, and later from 1964 to 1965, he stayed in Berlin on a Ford Foundation scholarship. In 1966, he settled permanently in the United States, where he collaborated, among others, with the New York "Galerie Chalette". From 1966 to 1983, he taught at Fairleigh Dickinson University in Madison, and from 1967 to 1968, at Harvard University. In 1999, he returned to Poland, where he remained until his death.

Selected solo exhibitions:

2024 Wojciech Fangor. American Dream, Krupa Art Foundation, Wrocław

2024 Fangor on the 50th Anniversary of the Botanical Garden in Powsin, Willa Janówek, Warsaw

2023/24 Wojciech Fangor and His Contemporaries 1960-1995, GNYP Gallery, Antwerp

2023 One Object Gallery. Presentation of the painting Guernica by Wojciech Fangor, Museum of Independence - X Pavilion of the Warsaw Citadel Museum, Warsaw

2022/23 Fangor. Multidimensional, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw

2022/23 Fangor. Today Is My Birthday, Mazovian Centre for Contemporary Art Elektrownia, Radom

2022/23 Fangor. Beyond the Painting, National Museum, Gdańsk

2022 Wojciech Fangor. Television Paintings 1977-1984, GNYP Gallery, Berlin

2021/22 Fangor. The Art of the Book, aTAK Gallery, Warsaw

2018 Wojciech Fangor. The Early 1960s, Heather James Fine Art, San Francisco

2018  Wojciech Fangor. Optyczne Wibracje, Mazovian Centre of Contemporary Art “Elektrownia”, Radom (curated by Stefan Szydłowski)
2017  Krzesła, Szydłowski Gallery, Warsaw (curated by Stefan Szydłowski)
2017    Wojciech Fangor. A Portrait of the Artist, GNYP Gallery, Berlin

2015    Wojciech Fangor. Six Paintings from the Sixties, The Mayor Gallery - Frieze Masters


2015  Wspomnienie teraźniejszości, National Museum in Wrocław (curated by Stefan Szydłowski)
2015  Wojciech Fangor, Sygnatura, Rzeźba Environment, Spectra Art Space, Warsaw (curated by Stefan Szydłowski)
2015  Wojciech Fangor. Malarstwo, Gdańsk Academy of Fine Arts (curated by Stefan Szydłowski)
2015  Wojciech Fangor. Heweliusz, State Gallery of Art, Sopot (curated by Stefan Szydłowski)
2015  Wojciech Fangor Plakat, Zatoka Sztuki, Sopot (curated by Stefan Szydłowski)
2015  Wojciech Fangor. 3 wymiary. Retrospektywa, Polish Sculpture Centre, Orońsko (curated by Stefan Szydłowski)
2015  Wojciech Fangor, Nagroda im. Jana Cybisa za 2014, House of the Artist in Warsaw (curated by Stefan Szydłowski)

2014/15    Wojciech Fangor. Colour-Light-Space, 3 Grafton Street, London
2013  Wojciech Fangor. Rysunki 1947-1957, Gallery XX1, Warsaw (curated by Stefan Szydłowski)

2012    Wojciech Fangor. Visual Design of the Second Line of the Warsaw Underground, Gallery XX1

Warsaw (curator: Stefan Szydłowski)2012  Przestrzeń jako gra, National Museum in Kraków (curated by Stefan Szydłowski)
2010  Palimpsest, aTak Gallery, Warsaw (curated by Stefan Szydłowski)
2010  Wojciech Fangor, Obrazy telewizyjne, Szydłowski Gallery, Warsaw
2009  Wojciech Fangor, Atlas of Art, Łódź (curated by Stefan Szydłowski)
2008  Berlin 1965, Replika, Szydłowski Gallery, Warsaw
2008  Sygnatura, Polish Sculpture Centre, Orońsko (curated by Stefan Szydłowski)
2007  Wojciech Fangor, ze zbiorów Olgi i Wojciecha Fibaków, Fibak Gallery, Warsaw (curated by Stefan Szydłowski)
2005  Wojciech Fangor 1948-1968, Szydłowski Gallery, Warsaw
2004  Portrait, Szydłowski Gallery, Warsaw
2003  Contemporary Art Centre Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw
2002  Sygnatury, Szydłowski Gallery, Warsaw
2001  Wojciech Fangor, Szydłowski Gallery, Warsaw
2000  Szydłowski Gallery, Warsaw
1994  Museum of Art, Radom
1990  Retrospective Exhibition – 50 Years of Painting, Zachęta, Warsaw
1994  Hokin Gallery, Chicago
1974-71  University Art Museum, Berkeley, California
1970  Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York
1966  Kunstverein, Stuttgart
1965-66  Galerie Springer, Berlin
1964  Museum Schloss Morsbroich, Leverkusen
1963  Galerie Lambert, Paris
1962  Institute of Contemporary Art, Washington
1958  Studium przestrzeni, Salon Nowej Kultury, Warsaw
1949  Young Artists and Scientists Club, Warsaw (former IPS)

Selected group exhibitions:
2024 New Generation and Classics from the Wojciech Fibak Collection, Centre for Contemporary Art, Toruń

2023/24 The Art of Seeing. Nowosielski and Others, Royal Castle, Warsaw

2023 Extreme Tension. Art Between Politics and Society 1945–1990, Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin

2022  Echo obecności, Szydłowski Gallery, Warsaw (Sławomir Elsner, Wojciech Fangor, Aleksandra Jachtoma)

2021    Zimna rewolucja. Społeczeństwa Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej wobec socrealizmu, 1948-1959, Zachęta Narodowa Galeria Sztuki, Warszawa

2020    Socrealizm. Sztuka w służbie propagandy, Muzeum im. Jacka Malczewskiego - Muzeum Sztuki Współczesnej, Radom

2020    Od Boznańskiej do Fangora. Kolekcja Urszuli i Piotra Hofman, Muzeum Okręgowe,

Nowy Sącz

2019/20    II wojna światowa – dramat, symbol, trauma, MOCAK Muzeum Sztuki Współczesnej w Krakowie

2019    The Fullness of Color: 1960s Painting, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

Nowy Jork

2018  Wśród Przyjaciół, Szydłowski Gallery, Warsaw

2017    Przygody z op-artem, Fundacja Stefana Gierowskiego, Warszawa

2016/17    From the Collection. 1960-1969, Museum of Modern Art, Nowy Jork

2016    Kolekcja sztuki polskiej II połowy XX i XXI wieku, Muzeum Narodowe - Pawilon Czterech Kopuł, Wrocław

2015    Chromatic: Minimalism and Color Field Experiments, Newark Museum of Art

2015  Skarby z kraju Chopina. Sztuka polska XV–XX wieku, National Museum of Korea, Seoul
Skarby z kraju Chopina. Sztuka polska XV–XX wieku, National Museum of China, Beijing
2014  À propos malarstwo. W. Fangor, K. Kamoji, S. Krygier, W. Strzemiński, M. Stangret-Kantor, T. Tatarczyk, Szydłowski Gallery, Warsaw

2014    Pop Europe?, Wolverhampton Art Gallery, Wolverhampton, UK

2013    Polish Art Now, Saatchi Gallery, London

2012    Czesław Czapliński. Fangor, Royal Lazienki Museum Warsaw
2011  Tribute to Fangor, BWA Warsaw
2011  Ground Fest, Szydłowski Gallery, Warsaw
2011  Wojciech Fangor, Stefan Krygier, Monika Krygier, Szydłowski Gallery, Warsaw
2007  Defragmentacje, Szydłowski Gallery, Warsaw (curated by Stefan Szydłowski)
2007  Defragmentacje, Gallery of Painting and Graphics, St. Petersburg, Russia (curated by Stefan Szydłowski)
2007  Defragmentacje, Zamek Gallery, Vyborg, Russia (curated by Stefan Szydłowski)
2007  Zestaw wystaw, Volunteer Fire Department, Błędów (curated by Stefan Szydłowski)
2006  Jej portret, Szydłowski Gallery, Warsaw (curated by Stefan Szydłowski)
1994  National Museum, Warsaw
1980  Tharp Gallery, New York
1974  Aldrich Museum of Art, Ridgefield, Connecticut
1968  34th Venice Art Biennale, Venice
1967  Pittsburgh International, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1965  The Responsive Eye, Museum of Modern Art, New York
1964  Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York
1961  15 Polish Painters, Museum of Modern Art, New York
1959  Polish Painting Now, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
1957  2nd Exhibition of Modern Art, Zachęta Gallery, Warsaw
1951  2nd National Exhibition of Visual Arts, Warsaw
1950  1st National Exhibition of Visual Arts, Warsaw


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